A few footnotes to the Merrill Lynch / O’Neal story…and CEO compensation in general… As founders and the founding families of today’s giant, modern corporations — the Merrills of Merrill Lynch,... [more]
Monthly Archives: October 2007
Comment 1 on – SEC Requiring XBRL To Help All Investors Learn Firms’ ABCs Financial Data Easier To Use The Technology Is Putting Complex Financial Reports Into An Interactive Format
Attention corporate executives — don’t shrug this off. XBRL is going to revolutionize accounting and corporate [financial] reporting. Standard dictionaries (“taxonomies”) are in development by a numb... [more]
Comment on – Coke, Kellogg’s Cop Bad Product Awards
So you take years, decades, centuries perhaps to build the brand, win the loyalty of customers, fine-tune the marketing and promotion, establish your distribution channels, and constantly perfect your business model. Then c... [more]